Merging Professional Practices


An architect and an interior designer had grown separate businesses while sharing staff. Each maintained separate sales processes, service delivery models, and billing procedures.


An architect and an interior designer wanted to combine practices. They needed to combine their separate processes into a unified system that would support both.


Berger Business Advisors used its expertise to:

  • Develop a multiyear plan for combining the practice
  • Design the organization structure they would need
  • Develop a functional organization chart
  • Identify their ideal customers
  • Align the owners’ thinking so that they looked at the business the same way
  • Identify the roles and responsibilities for the principals
  • Identify job responsibilities to delegate to others
  • Identify their “sweet spots that set them apart from their competition
  • Develop a unified sales process
  • Identify specific sales practices to shorten selling cycle
  • Revise their billing process to accelerate progress payments
  • Develop a strategic annual marketing plan
  • Set annual and quarterly marketing goals


They exceeded their combined sales goals and accelerated progress payments from clients.