Repositioning for Growth


The consulting firm helps employees prepare for new jobs within their existing organization. Previous attempts to diversify had not met expectations.


A human resource consulting firm’s client base was shrinking. The owner was facing a major decision – wind down the existing business or refocus the business to find new clients.


Berger Business Advisors used it’s expertise to:

  • Identify their core strengths
  • Redefined their value proposition
  • Constructed what the business could look like
  • Identified the new organization structure
  • Identified new markets
  • Redefine their target markets
  • Identified the ideal buyers
  • Build a new sales process
  • Identify and select a new sales tracking and reporting system
  • Redeploy valued employees into new roles
  • Developed sales compensation packages
  • Develop job descriptions for sales positions
  • Identified new lead generation services


The business is growing in new markets which have the potential to more than replace the declining revenue from previous large clients.