Structuring a Firm for Growth


The firm was founded to address the significant heath and related insurance challenges and complexities a person experiences when navigating the healthcare system. It had grown by adding people who shared the owner’s passion for helping families with health-related issues.


A growing healthcare services firm needed to build an organizational structure and put systems in place to grow profitably.


Berger Business advisors used its expertise to:

  • Define the organization’s core competencies
  • Prioritize short term and long term growth opportunities
  • Define the organizational functions needed
  • Develop a functional organization chart
  • Make the organizational structure visible to the team
  • Identify the roles different team members could fill
  • Identify additional tasks team members could accomplish outside of their core competency
  • Define their ideal clients
  • Formulate a marketing plan including where and how to market
  • Define additional income streams
  • Identify additional products and services
  • Develop a labor saving invoicing process
  • Identify key financial metrics


The business quickly added 3 additional people within the first year to keep up with its growth.