Increase the Odds Of Business Success
Small businesses face a host of challenges. Only a small percentage reach their fifth anniversary. Most people start out with a dream, roll the dice, and jump in feet first. … Continued
Small businesses face a host of challenges. Only a small percentage reach their fifth anniversary. Most people start out with a dream, roll the dice, and jump in feet first. … Continued
When the best customer is NOT the one you already have—meet the Demander, the Abuser, and the Dodger. The Demander is the client who takes advantage of your services. No … Continued
Identify and evaluate problem customers to determine when it’s time to restructure the relationship— or when it’s time to cut your losses and move on. Put a stop to problem … Continued
We sometimes take a slash and burn, all or nothing approach to change. However, great results also stem from one small change. When faced with a large problem, or several … Continued
Can a company survive today without engaging in social media, without posting, tweeting, and otherwise dipping into the live media stream? Apparently, yes! In a recent blog, Jonathan Weber* noted … Continued
Study the culture. Know a bit about the culture of your travel destination; even more if the location is exotic or dangerous! Make sure you have a feel for the … Continued
Make quality a priority in everything you do. First, give your products or services a checkup. Are you giving customers the best you can at the price point you set? … Continued